those works seemingly uselesses i did.
read more5일마다 컨셉을 바꾸는 망할 놈의 Tendency!
valuable of plan changes
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숫자의 이해, 정수와 유리수(합리적인 수)
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Feelings about redo the programming
read more저녁 9시, 항해99 면접을 보았다.
I just took and interview at hangha99 bootcamp
read morelinear_equations
선형 방정식의 정리
read more2021년의 회고록, 그리고 새로운 시작.
Regrets on 2021, and the new year came.
read more"The Pragmatic Programmer" By Andy hunt and Dave Thomas
summary to book 'the pragmatic programmer'
read more"The Software Craftsman" By Sandro Mancuso
my review to the software craftsman
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